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meet our pal leaders



Tell us a bit about yourself!

I'm a mature student studying Forensic Biology BSc Year 2. I love art, science anatom and physiology as well as learning and finding out new things. I'm a people person and enjoy creating activities, using my imagination and taking on challenges.


What are you most looking forward to about the conference?

"Meeting new people from different universities UK and abroad. Seeing how other people conduct their sessions and how their thought process works. Networking - find out new opportunities. Visting another university. Seeing scenarios from other people's perspectives and gathering ideas for my future PAL sessions."

top tips for  running pal 

  • Be yourself

  • Prepare in advance

  • Have a bit of spontaneity

  • Notice people, the tone of the room and deviate from your plan if you need to

  • Smile and be approachable

  • Make the session fresh and switch it up - use games, videos, role play, interactive, debates etc.

"Positive feedback. That the effort and imagination of tasks and sessions have been worth it. Listening to the students ideas as well. Engaging them. Regular attendance- boosts my confidence and drives me to do well and create more interesting vibrant sessions."

What is the best experience you've had so far as a PAL Leader?

What skills do you think you will develop from attending the conference?

"Thinking outside of the box even more. Being out of my comfort zone New surroundings/ environment.  Building new relationships and contacts. Finding out what my strengths are and what my weaknesses are and working on them. Helping and brainstorming with others"

"Creating my own crime scenes in sessions including story lines and re-enactments. I used props (safely), and students wore make-up for bruising and wounds. The session helped bring the student's degree to life to make it more 3D instead of just reading about it in a book. Teamwork- researching- mind mapping and collaboration. It was a relaxed atmosphere with humour."

Tell us about an activity that has worked well in one of your sessions

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