meet our pal leaders
Tell us a bit about yourself!
Sociology student, final year. I'm interested in art and social activism, and I'm heavily involved in student activism and leadership within our students union. This includes being LGB+ Officer, Vice Chair of the Mental Health Zone and Senior Rep for my department. I am passionate about improving the exeriences of other students both academically and beyond.
What are you most looking forward to about the conference?
"I am most looking forward to meeting other PAL leaders and learning from their experiences! I am looking forward to expanding my skills relevant to both PAL and other responsibilities, and working on my professional development as someone who wants an academic career."
top tip for running pal
My top tip is to always be aware of what is going on for your students so that your sessions are relevant - also to always have lots of ideas ready because if your group is like mine, you'll get zero communication from them to tell you what they want.
What is the best experience you've had so far as a PAL Leader?
"My best PAL experience so far has been running trouble shooting types sessions around assignments/assignment briefs, especially as the first years seemed to struggle to really break down what an assignment brief was actually asking for. Also, attending the South West Regional Conference last year was really interesting."
What skills do you think you will develop from attending the conference?
I think I will develop communication skills, and find more creative ideas for running sessions (after a year of being PAL leader I feel like we're starting to repeat some sessions and would love to find some new ways to deliver certain topics).
"Kahoot and Mentimeter are always really well received, I especially like to use Mentimeter to have them reflect on their progress and gain insight into things they want to work on in sessions."